I had an idea on how to start this blog entry but I forgot it. The reason why I forgot it will be revealed later in the entry (see what I did there... that's called a cliffhanger, now I am a real writer, haha).
*All pictures are of Tower Bridge, Tower of London, and St. Paul's Cathedral*
Anyway, I woke up at 8 even though our class didn't start until 10 because I wanted my hot water for my shower. Yesterday, I didn't have any hot water, today, I did and it was GLORIOUS. Honestly, it just the week I've been here, I have really started to appreciate the small things in life a lot more. Like a hot shower and meat (meat is expensive so I don't buy it, I eat PB or eggs instead). So after my nice hot shower, I ate breakfast (orange, yogurt, bagel) and dinked around online. Its annoying that the morning here is like 3 am over in the US. Oh well. We only had one class and it only lasted an hour and a half. It was the second part of our senior seminar class with Phil this week. We had a reading to do which talked about moral arguments (having evidence and not letting emotion get in the way is important but almost impossible). We spent a bunch of the class talking about trip business. Then Phil started talking about this gu
y named David Fanshawe. Phil knows him well and he is a composer. He spends a lot of his time going around to different areas of the globe recording native music. Like he went to Africa and recorded tribal rituals and he went to the Middle East and recorded rabbis praying. He has been doing this thirty years so he has a lot of tapes. He then takes these tapes and combines them and writes music to combine them with live choral singing and percussion. It is FANTASTIC. We listened to two pieces by him today and they blew me away. One was a combination of rabbis singing and a choir and the other was a, as Phil put it, "Andrew Lloyd Webber inspired" song of the Our Father. David Fanshawe and ALW went to the Royal School of Music (like two blocks from my flat) together and were both bad students. How cool is that???? AND THEN, next saturday (a week from this saturday) we are going to stonehenge and also visiting David in his home. It is going to amazing. I am legitimately excited for this. So, that was my class today, haha.

After class, I had a granola bar or something I felt stupid for just sitting inside on such a wonderful day so I went
alone (I tried to find some people to go but most either had their doors shut or were gone) to the Tower Bridge and Tower of London. They were spectacular. Even after being here a week (has it only been a week, it feels like its been a year) I still can't believe that I'm actually here. Seeing all these things that I've read about and seen hundreds of pictures of, still surprises me. So I walked around the Tower of London and across the Tower Bridge. Then I walked along the south side of the Thames from the Tower Bridge to the London Bridge on what is called "The Queen's Walk". After that I made my way over to St. Paul's Cathedral. It looks much more awesome from a little farther away than it did up close like on the bus tour. I walked for a while more and I got on the tube back to my flat.

Back at the flat (sounds like a song of some kind) I sat around some more. I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my sp
ring break. I didn't really think of anything though. I waited until about 7 or so for everyone to clear out of the kitchen so I could use it. I will put up a picture somday but there are probably 30 people who use the kitchen almost every meal and it is skinnier and shorter than the kitchen at my mom's house. It is ridiculous. At any rate, I made whole wheat spaghetti (cheapest kind of pasta available) and some pre-made tomato sauce. It was reallllllly good. Then I went down to the computer lab and looked up flight information and package deals and all sorts of info until Vanessa came down at around 9 or 10. We brainstormed and finally picked out the place that we figured we should go for spring break. That's why I forgot what I was going to say at the beginning of this entry. Drum Roll please (to build suspense)...

We decided to spend our week (well 9 days) in Italy! We are going to go to Venice, then Florence, then Rome. More people might join us on our little extravaganza but we don't know yet. We just decided like an hour or two ago and then spent a bunch of time looking up flights and hostels and things to see and places to eat and transportation and etc. So, that's my big news. I decided to publish the news because both of us were tired of thinking of places to go and when we decided, we wanted to really decide. By publishing it, if we change our minds, everyone can make fun of me.
So that's all I've got for now. It's 1 am here now and I should go to bed even though I don't have class. We are all going to a production of Stomp though. That should fun. Two posts two days in a row!
while in florence, take a picture of ghiberti's doors for me. and brunelleschi's dome. when is your spring break?
and that second picture is pretty awesome, by the way (i think it was the second one). the light on th ebridge was perfect.
as they say, when in rome...Darn. Can't remember the rest.
Sweet bridge pic.
All these pictures remind me of the old midtown madness days!
you suck. i'm jealous.
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