Monday, January 21, 2008

Picture-less Day

Hi again! I did not take a single picture today. Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are. The last day that I didn't take pictures was probably a week ago Sunday. Crazy. There are many reasons for me not taking any pictures, the main one being that I had class during all of the light hours of the day. So without further ado, here's a recap.

In Sociology of the City, our homework was coming up with images that came to our minds when we thought of a city, things that are specific to cities and phrases and metaphors for cities. We discussed these in class. We would give an example of an image or something and then our teacher would say how that image does or does not apply to London and we would debate if the image was really true or not. The same thing happened for all the of the homework assignment things. It was pretty interesting and fun to have a conversation sort of thing with our professor as opposed to him just telling us stuff for the whole 3 hours (still not used to sitting for that long, even with a break). The last part of class, Justin lectured on the history of London, at least the recent history.

We spent the time inbetween classes down in the common room of Foundation House (where our classes are). I ate two PBJ sandwiches. Gourmet, I know. I looked at a couple books they have down there about Venice, Florence, and Rome. Very interesting and I'm still insanely excited about going there.

Senior Seminar was spent discussing two of the cases that we had to read for last week's class. I wasn't that interested, I felt like most of the discussion was just a re-hashing of what was said in the book. We then discussed Cultural Relativism. Haha, interesting, right? It wasn't bad. It was the reading we had to do for our class today. Cultural Relativism says that all things are right or wrong as long as they are right or wrong within the culture and that there are no universal moral truths. The author of the book ripped this theory apart and that was about it. We spent the last half hour of class listening to Phil give us a quick hits history of England, focusing on the Canterbury Tales and how they came to be (since we are going to be re-enacting them in a week and a half).

After Senior Seminar, a bunch of us went to Parliament and sat in on the House of Lords while they were discussing an embryonic stem cell research bill. It was interesting being there and hearing them discussing but the topic was kind of dull. They spent about 45 minutes straight arguing the merits of having "serious disability" or "life-threatening disability". Like I said, sort of dull. It was still good to go there and see them in action, plus it was free.

I took the Tube back and went to the grocery store. Good times. I spent £20 (Yikes!!!!) but it was money well spent. I got some stuff for quesadillas and I got some salalmi and ham and cheese for what hopes to be a few awesome sandwiches. Anyway, unloading my groceries is like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one. Its my favorite thing to do. Seeing all the stuff I get to eat this week, it makes me happy. I ate and read for my Islam vs. The West class tomorrow and now I'm here writing this entry.

Sorry for the whole no picture thing. Can't be helped on days like today and tomorrow when I have class. I promise pictures of some place sweet on Wednesday, I have a couple places in mind. Till then, bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to Eat me!? WTF!
I do not approve.