Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good and Bad

You'll see why I wasn't able to get online last night and do this post when you get done reading. I got up and tried to make the bus to Akrotiri and I missed it for the second day in a row. My watch was late and I saw the bus pulling away when I got to the station. Annoying. I was pretty angry with myself and didn't know what to do so I all the way down the cliff to the old port where a cruise ship was unloading. The path had donkey doo doo alllllll over it. Smelly. Oh well. I sat in a chair and updated my journal thing. As I was writing I saw three really cute girls get off a boat and the blond turned around. It was Alyssa!! So joke!! What a freaking coincidence. Through facebook I knew she was going on a cruise of Greece but I didn't think there was anyway that we would be in the same place at the same time (the odds are off the charts, as you can imagine). So we said hi and talked for a couple minutes but her tour or whatever was leaving so we parted ways. That totally made my day. It was so nice to see someone from home. After a while, it started raining. Yes, rain on a Greek island. I was undercover so it wasn't so bad. I walked back up smelling donkey... Yuck. It rained some more.

The rest of my day was spent doing random things to take up time. I was very antsy for the ferry to Crete. On the bright side, the rain cleared away so it was sunny. I went into a bunch of souvenir stores (only bought two things though). I walked down some streets like 8 times. I would sit for 5 minutes and then think, "I can go to the bathroom, that will take 10 minutes!!" After that was done, I would sit for another 5 minutes and then think of another stupid little thing to do. I just wanted to go which makes it sound like I didn't like Santorini or something which is completely not true. I loved it. I just get antsy when I know I am going to leave a place (I have discussed this ad nauseum). It was finally time to get my backpack from the hotel and the guy asked for money for breakfast!!! It wasn't even free!! What a freaking ripoff. No one EVER told me it costs money. He told me someone did. I assured him that that was not the case. Whatever. I just paid him the money (it was only 15 euros for the three breakfasts) and left without smiling. So annoying. I did not like that place very much, no real dorm, breakfast was a ripoff, and no free internet. None of those things are on their page.

I took the bus down to the port. A girl walked by and said the ferry I was riding was broken. I asked the guy at the office and he said it was being fixed and was "90% sure it would leave today". Yeah, that didn't happen. Apparently the hull was damaged but when they fixed that, the equivalent to the "check engine" light came on and they didn't know why. I ended up talking to two people, Jessica and James, while we waited to see what would happen. James is from Wales and Jessica is from Buffalo. They were really nice. We ended up sitting down at the port for over 6 hours (from 5 pm until after 11 pm) before they finally decided they weren't going to get it fixed until morning. We all got on buses and they took us to a hotel somewhere. I didn't get into a room until after 12 because they had to arrange and find rooms for over 70 people. I had no access to internet which sucked too. What a crazy, and for the most part, bad day. Not every day can be good so it's not a big deal really. I was actually kind of happy to get a free nights rest. Haha.


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