Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beach Walking

A couple things to add from yesterday. The people who worked at Sezgin's Guesthouse (where I stayed) were awesome. They all watched tv together at night and it really had a family atmosphere. I was sad to leave. Another thing, I slept alone in the four bed dorm room again last night. I thought that was weird and a little lonely (though I loved not having to hear anyone snore). I woke up today at six and got ready. I walked to the bus station and caught a bus to Bodrum. Bodrum is another 60 or so miles south of Kuşadasi along the Aegean Coast. The ride was pretty uneventful other than the beautiful scenery we passed by. Lots of mountains and small towns and stuff. I listened to my Zune most of the way. I walked to my hostel from the bus station. My hostel is called Bodrum Backpackers. The manager and his "sister" (that's what he kept calling her but they aren't related) greeted me. The guy was named Turk and the girl Eloise. They were really nice and while I waited for my room to be ready, they talked to me. It is a small establishment, only like three or four rooms.

My room got ready and my lethargy was over to I decided to walk around to the major sites in the city. First I walked along the harbor/marina and by Bodrum Castle which houses an Underwater Archaeological Museum. I did not feel like entering at the moment and actually never did. I don't care though. Then I made my way up to the Mausoleum. This is another of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was a HUGE building that contained the tomb of the King Mauslous. It was pillaged by numerous people over teh centuries and only a few scraps are left. The place wasn't that exciting but was still cool to walk around and imagine what used to be there. The flowers, roses, surrounding the pit were beautiful. I loved them. I complemented the gardener on them. I also ate lunch at the Mausoleum as well. Just some crackers and fruit. I walked over to the Ancient Theater next. It is right on a very busy road and is carved into the mountain side. Not that exciting and you could see all of it through the fence so there was no need to pay to enter really. My next stop on my Bodrum sightseeing tour was Mandros Gate. İt was a gate built on the old city walls. Crumbly and quite a bit of trash. Oh well. Still cool. Alexander the Great and his army busted through the wall a loooong time ago.

My last stop was the the old windmills on a hill on the southern side of the city. It was a hot walk up but I made it. There was a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of trash up there from people partying and stuff. The windmills were pretty cool though and made for some really interesting pictures. It would be nice if someone cleaned the area and the windmills up a little bit. They were still ok I guess. I walked back down the hill and around the marina and to the hostel. I sat on the upper balcony where my room is and read Dark Rose, a book about Arabs financially invading Ireland (yeah, I picked it up at the Istanbul Hostel). It's ok so far. You can see the sea and the castle from the balcony. Awesome. Then I decided to walk along the beach for a while. I threw on my sandals and walked. There are a lot of beaches along the shore in Bodrum and a lot of European guys in Speedos. Whatever, I wasn't looking at the beach, I was looking out to sea. I listened to Jack Johnson while I walked in one direction. Perfect music for it. It was wonderful and I got just a tad burnt. Not too much though. The beaches are very pebly so hard to walk in but still great. After that I stopped at a cafe and had a beer. My first one in about 4 months or something like that. It tasted fantastic sitting on the beach watching the sun go down. I stopped at a restaurant that was a little expensive but it was my last night in Turkey so I figured it was ok. I had Donner Steak Kebab, salad, French Fries, and some rice. Really good.

After that delicious dinner, I back to the hostel and wrote in my journal on the balcony as the sun finished setting. Wonderful. Then I used Turk's computer to do this entry. So there you have it. My last day in Turkey. Tomorrow I am catching a ferry to Kos at 9:30. I loved Turkey. I had no idea ıt was so amazing. I just picked because I thought it was a different place to go. It was even better than that. We'll see what Greece is like next. Hope everyone is having fun!


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