Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ruins and Reading

This keyboard SUCKS so yet another short entry.

One of the guys at my hostel last night snored pretty loud which stunk but he stopped after a littlewhile. I got up and ate the breakfast on the roof top garden on my hostel. Fried eggs, bread, oj, tea, and jam. SOOOO good. The fried eggs were awesome. I took the bus to Knossos, the big Minoanarcheaological site. The Minoans built the palaces there between 1900 and 1450 bc. That's over 3500 years ago!!! Crazy. The guy who dug the place up, Arthur Evans, used his imagination (and some evidence) and reconstructed parts of it. That kind of disappointed me. It was hard to tell what is real and what is Evans's idea. It was still nice to walk around and imagine people there so long ago. The big attraction from the palaces are the wall paintings which are in the archeaological museum. I visited that yesterday. They have copies hanging in places at the ruins. I took the bus back from the ruins and spent the rest of the day walking around and reading "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce. I would walk to a park and read 20 pages and then go to square and read 20 pages. That was basically all I did the rest of the day. There were lots of people walking around in the afternoon. Shopping and sitting in the streetside cafes were the major activities. I had a spinach and feta cheese pie for lunch. Delicious and cheap! Loved it. For dinner, I had a deli sandwich thing and some ice cream. I also had some tea at Starbucks. They played John Lennon there. Then I came to this internet cafe. That was my day basically.

Tomorrow I am off to Chania which is on the other side of the island. Only a 2 hour bus ride though. I hope everyone had a good Saturday!

See ya!

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