Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tour de Kos

I just got off Skype with a few people so some people already kind of heard about my day but I will go through the specifics for those that did not hear about it. I woke up and lazed around in my bed. My plan was to go to a beach on Kos (remember, that is the island I am staying on, located just off the Turkish coast). I was getting ready to leave when Sonya, the woman who runs Pension Alexis, where I am staying, asked me if I wanted breakfast. I remembered reading in one of my books to never pass up the breakfast so I didn't. I am so glad I did not pass it up. DELICIOUS. She made a feta omellete with sliced tomatoes on top (yes, I eat tomatoes now) and bread from a bakery that bakes their bread using a fire. There was also some cherry jelly for the bread, orange juice and tea. The best breakfast I have had in ages. All of it was great (and only 5 euros). I left to go the bus station and wore my sandals thinking that I wouldn't be walking that much, just to the bus and then to the beach. Turns out they don't run buses to the beach I wanted to go yet. They start next week. Booo. So I changed plans and decided to rent a bike. I went into a travel agency to ask where a rental place was. The woman called a place and they came and picked me up and brought me to their store. I got a mountain bike for 5 euros. The seat was terrible. I can not describe how much it hurt my butt by the end of the day. Let's just say it was like sitting on a pointy rock. Very bad. Everything else about the bike was good though.

The guy at the store said that a lot of people go to Tagaki Beach and then up into the mountain on the island and visit a village called Zia. I had read about both places in my books. Tagaki Beach is extremely crowded in summer so I biked to the beach just passed it called Marmari. The bike ride there was amazing (about 14 km). I had the mountains rising up to my left and the wonder coastline to my right and the wind blowing in my hair. It was still morning so it wasn't that warm out yet. I go to Marmari and walked along the beach back toward Tagaki and found a secluded section of beach. I could see a couple to my right but they were very far away. I basically had the beach to myself. The Turkish coast and some other islands were visible across the clear blue water. There was no sea weed where I was and it was heaven. I sat and read for a couple hours while muching on some crackers and peanuts (my typical lunch). This was just fantastic. I could not wrap my head around the fact that I was sitting on a beach like this. I kind of wished someone else was there too. It was a tiny bit lonely. After I got a little tired of sitting I biked back over to Tagaki and got some juice and an ice cream. Great in the sun. I started to bike up to Zia but I was tired. I had not ridden a bike for 8+ months and it was starting to get reallllly warm out. The weather said seventy five but the humidity and sun made it feel much hotter.

I got to where the uphill began and tried my hardest to continue. It just wasn't working so I walked with my bike for a while. This also didn't work because I was only wearing sandals. It was about 3 pm and the heat of the day so I got a little over halfway up to Zia and decided to quit. I didn't have enough water, I was exhausted, my feet hurt, it wasn't worth it. Even from halfway up, the views were spectacular. I did pass through one little village on the way so I got a feel for what it was like. I biked back down the hill (not as hot going down, let me tell you) and finished the 12 km back to Kos. I dropped off the bike and walked back to Alexis walking oddly because my bum hurt so bad. I sat out on my balcony and laid down in my room for a couple hours to regain my strength and wait for Sonya to get back so I could pay her. She came back and I went to find a place to eat. I ate at a restaurant in a square in the Old Town. There was so much food! I had a mix plate of Souvlaki. It's spiced and grilled meat on a stick. I had the mix plate so there was one chicken, one lamb and one beef. They were all good but the beef one was best. My plate also had rice, french fries, a salad with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and green peppers (it had been SOO long since I had them, they were awesome) and a warmed pita with zatziki. I was stuffed when I finished. It was so good though. Then I went to the internet cafe down the street from Alexis which is where I am now. I Skyped my mom, my dad, and John. I had some mango tea while I was doing that. Absolutely delicious. That's where I am now. Tomorrow morning at 6:30 am I catch a ferry to Mykonos, the party and luxury island of Greece. Needless to say, I am only spending one day there. Then it is on to Santorini. Greece is spectacular!!

Bye bye!


John said...

haha yes, I got a shout-out in your blog...kinda.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're eating tomatoes!