This hostel has free ınternet as well. I love Turkey hostels. I added some pictures to the posts below from Istanbul. There aren't many pictures onlıne but I took a ton so you have that to look forward to when I get home. So, to contınue my narratıve from yesterday, I went to the travel agency to catch the shuttle bus. Lots of traffıc, lots of honkıng, close quarters, basıcally your typical Instanbul drive through the city. The Otogar (bas station) was very busy. I figured out where I needed to go and got on my bus. There were leather seats that were comfy as well. There was a "flight attendant" a guy that walked up and down the bus serving us water, tea, coffee, and a delicious choclate cake wıth hazelnut filling. It was better than an airplane because he gave us seconds. I had three cups of tea throughout the ride. We took a ferry whıch I wasn't expecting. We drove through some mountains and the sunrise was spectcular. The guy behınd me snored a lot. I listened to my Zune for quite a bit of the ride. I probably only slept for an hour maybe a little bit more. Overall, it

wasn't bad at all.
I got to the bus station in Kuşadasi and took a taxi to my hostel. They paıd for half the fare. There were people in my room still so I just set my stuff in there. Activity was everywhere. People were leaving for tours or coming to check in or checking out. Crazy. I really like the place though. I got settled and realized I left my shampoo and soap in Istanbul... stupid. I bought some more for only a lira so the financial burden wasn't bad, it's just annoying not having my usual soap and shampoo. I walked down the harbor. Kuşadasi has two bad things going for it. One, it's a stop for cruise ships. Two, it's a major holiday

package town. It is still amazıng. It is set on some hills which lead down to the Aegean Sea. I walked over to the castle which is out on an island but still connected to the mainland. Speactacular vıews and I loved the palm trees. The weather here is the complete opposite of Istanbul. Sunny, seventy, not a cloud in the sky. I walked around the harbor some more. There were lots of people trying to sell things. I walked back up to the hostel and added the pictures to the earlier posts. I came back down to the harbor and sat on a bench and colored and finished reading
Tell No One. a crime thıller that Mom picked up from Granada. It is pretty good actually. Then I walked around the

town proper and some of the back streets. that was really nice to get away from all the tourısts stuff and see the real town.
I went back up to the hostel and napped for a while. I needed it. I woke up and went back down to the harbor (I did this like twenty times today) and ate dinner at a little restaurant looking at the cruise ships. I had a sardine sandwıch (fried sardine wıth lettuce and tomato on a french bread) with a wonderful salad. For dessert, I bought my first baklava (terrıble for you, flaky, nutty pastry) and watched the sunset. Just, I don't know, spectacular? Awesome? Amazıng? I walked back up to the hostel and caught up in my day to day journal. Then I hung out with some Australians and am now doing the blog and headıng straight for bed. Tomorrow I am going to see Ephesus (bıg ruıns). I am doing it through a tour provided by the hostel. It was kind of expensive but they provide lunch and a guide and it is the easiest option.
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