Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Relishing Time

Isn't it funny that relish means to savor or treasure but also means a concoction that one puts on a hot dog or bratwurst? I think it's weird but the whole English language is weird. Anyway, the reason I titled the post that way is because after class, I went to the National Gallery and Trafalgar Square and tried to relish my time there because it is running out. It's crazy, I only have 17 days left until I depart for Turkey. Of those, 3 will be in Paris and at least 5 will be taken up with classes. That only leaves 10 days! I still have so many things I want to do and see here or revisit! Yikes! Anyway, onto my day.

I got up early and finished that review for Islam. I think it is OK. Not great but not bad, just OK. In class we talked about terrorism. What is it? What is Al Qaeda? Who is Osama Bin Laden? Plus a whole bunch more questions. Super uplifting and fun... Haha, not. It was good though because, as always, it seems I don't know much about anything and I really liked learning about it that stuff. The second half of the class, we watched the first part of a movie called The Power of Nightmares. It was made in 2004 and won a BAFTA (like an Oscar). In the part that we watched, the documentary discussed the rise of Neo-Conservatism in the US and the rise of Radical Islam. Without actually saying it, it was showing the similarities of the two events. Anyway, it was super interesting and painted a pretty scary picture of the Neo-Conservatives.

Then I ate lunch and went to Art History. We met in a classroom which stunk. I would have rather met at a gallery. We talked for like 10 minutes about the questions on the exam next week and reviewing the course. The other 30 minutes we were there were spent asking Linda questions about her family and stuff. She invited us all over to her house for tea on Sunday. Kind of random but I am definitely going.

After class, I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum because I needed to write about one more piece from there in my Art Journal. I wrote about the Cast Rooms. Back in the Victorian era, they made casts of a TON of different monuments and stuff in churches all over Europe. Like the David, Trajan's Column, the Basptistery doors, etc. These casts are now on display as a cheap way to "see" famous things. It is a very Victorian idea. Then I took a bus over to Trafalgar Square. I wanted to go to the National Gallery and buy a couple souvenirs which I did. I bought a print of Lake Keitele (probably my favorite painting), a clock with Monet's Houses of Parliament in the background, and a magnet with Van Gogh's Wheatfields with Cyprus. It was a very successful trip. I am ashamed to say that I think those are the first souvenirs from London that I have bought. Haha. Oh well, I got some now and I am really happy with them. Of course, my favorite souvenirs are going to be my pictures, this blog, and my memories. It's still nice to have other things. I sat out on the steps of Trafalgar and read "Band of Brothers" with the sun shining on me. I wanted to just soak up the atmosphere and the view down Whitehall of Big Ben and the fountains and everything. I am really going to miss this spot when I leave. Again, that's what I meant by relishing time. It's passed before you even know it.

I came back and made more noodles and sauce for dinner. I am currently working on a critique of The Merchant of Venice for tomorrow. I am a lot of homework coming up. Next week I have my Art History test and the journal is due. The week after (my final week, AHHH!), I have three big papers due and at least two tests. So, there you have it. Lots to do and little time. What else is new?

A Presto! (Italian for "see you soon")

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