Hey everyone! It seems like it has been forever

since I did a proper blog post (it's been a week). I feel bad about it even though I realize I shouldn't. With my Mom being here and trying to maximize my time with her, it did not leave much time for blogging or really anything else. The other problem is that with the semester winding down (yes, that's what I said, I only have 4 weeks of class left), I have quite a bit more homework due which is a bigger priority than writing in my blog. Like today I had to write a two page reflection paper, read from a text book, and write a five page paper. All are due tomorrow. So, like I said, I haven't really had time to even try to catch up on the blog.
I do have one big, huge, large, gargantuan piece of news to share. I bought a plane ticket to Istanbul for April 26. Which means that that is where I am going to start my "Magical Mystery Tour of Europe (and a little bit of Asia)". Mom and I talked about it and I had originally thought about going to Egypt but going there alone would be tough and it is hard to get from there to anywhere else (namely Greece). Istanbul and Turkey

contain my excitement are still really, really cool and I just cannotabout the whole trip. It is going to be incredible. I will share more of my plan at a later date, I don't really have the time now and the rest of it is not really for sure (by that I mean, I have a rough idea but it will probably change at least a little bit). I feel much better having made a decision though and knowing that I have at least one thing set up. It is less than a month away!! YIKES!!!
*Added on Monday* Today was a pretty relaxing day. Mom came over to my flat in the morning and we arranged how and what I am going to keep here. We decided to have her take Greg's

big black suitcase back with a whole bunch of my stuff and leave her small green one for me to keep and store (somewhere) while I am traveling. I think this plan will work out really well. It did entail a little bit of help from my Mom though. She had to check the big black suitcase and the green backpack so she had to use her dirty laundry stuff sack as her carry on. While she was packing and we were arranging my stuff, we talked and just enjoyed each other's company. Once the packing was complete, the two of us walked over to my church and Mom took a couple pictures of me in front of it (picture 1). We ran into Phil out front and said hi (picture 2). We

had to run so there wasn't much of a discussion. When we got back, Mom took a couple pictures of me at Metrogate (me in my "home", the computer lab, picture 3) and grabbed the bags. Mom was in a hurry and I forgot my Oyster Card so I had to run back (literally) and get it. We rode the Tube out to Heathrow. Mom checked her bags and was all set to leave. We had to take a picture of her with her "Santa Claus Carry On" (picture 4). It was pretty funny. I was incredibly sad to see her leave. It was such a different experience from when I left for London. That time, I was the one leaving, not the one staying. I think the one staying has it rougher. I don't know if I have ever felt that alone with so many people around me after she disappeared from my sight. The Tube ride back was kind of a melancholy experience for me. I thought about it and before Mom arrived was like Act I , Mom being here was the intermission and the curtain has jest been raised on Act II. I listened to "Heavier Things" by John Mayer during the Tube ride which was the perfect thing for how I was feeling. I got back and hung out on the computer and did my homework. I watched some of the NCAA tournament online and then called John on Skype. It was nice to talk to him (like always). Then I went to bed.
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